Tuesday 21 July 2009

Well that was tempting fate

So, I changed my name didn't I, effectively getting rid of the "Dad To Be" bit.

Hah! I've got to change it again, haven't I - we've only gone and set the ball rolling for a wee brother or sister for Moo - due in February.

I guess we always said that we'd like two, we just didnt anticipate them being quite so close together age wise. Still, it might mean we get the mind numbing tiredness out of the way quite soon.

In other news, Moo had her MMR and got grumpy soon afterwards, but she seems to be on the mend now. She's part Gremlin, emptying kitchen cupboards, the washing machine (that's just blown up - more expense) and anything else wth a door or a lid! But she's great.

Was a tough weekend at work - some of the thingswe deal with are not nice anyway, but this weekend there was an incident a bit too close to home. Left a lot of us thinking, "There but for the grace of God..." Sobering stuff.

Scan will be soon, so 'll post it up here - maybe do a comparison with Moo's!

Monday 1 June 2009


I can't believe this website just lost my whole new post! Arghh!

Monday 25 May 2009

I think it's time for a little song...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Milly-Moo
Hapy Birthday to you!

Where did the last year go???

Wednesday 20 May 2009

On the mend

Thankfully Moo seems to be on the mend now and shifting her bug.

I know this because today she's been like a mini gremlin, emptying the washing machine and tumbledryer, cupboards, drawers and shelves, whilst hiding biscuits in random places.

Happy days indeed!

Tuesday 19 May 2009


The trouble with having kids - so I now understand - is that you never quite lose that gnawing worry tht something terrible could happen at any moment.

With Moo, most days she's a real trooper, toddling about, giggling, emptying cupboards, trying to work out how the stairgate opens and theowing food around wantonly. None of this is the easiest thing to manage at times, but it's joyful to watch.

Sometimes she'll be a bit off her food which is always slightly concerning, and very infrequently, she'll catch a bug and puke everywhere for days. The rational part of my brain can deal with these occurences usually, and accept them as being simply a normal part of growing up.

This is a huge leap forwards from the time she first sneezed (about 2 hours old), when I sh@t myself that she either had an allergy to air, or had caught some horrible rare strain of infant hayfever, or something... you know.

However, at work, there are some events that transpire that put me straight back into that "first sneeze" moment of terror and paranoia. The preceding link is one example, but other recent events have also placed me straight back there in a way that really hits home as a parent.

Moo, with impecable timing, is currently alternating between cutting molars, puking and sleeping. A visit to the Doctors beckons later today, and I am sure we'll be reassured, but it's never a comfortable time.

On a more upbeat note, I can't believe she'll be 1 on Monday - where did the last 12 months go?

Tuesday 28 April 2009

Another update

It's been a while since I updated Moo's progress, so here's a potted one before I head to work on a shift pattern that has been decimated due to a pending trial, which, my gut tells me, may not actually go ahead. But I will stand corrected...

Moo is now 11 months, and for the last month she's been walking with more and more stability. She now flies about the house with huge confidence and fewer and fewer falls, and when she does fall now, she can land well, dusts herself off and carries on.

She has a cold just now, which results in daytime green snot-caterpillars and night-time coughing as the phlegm settles in her chest - not fun for the wee mite, and it plays havoc with everyone's sleep. As it's viral, there's nothing that can really medicate it, so steam and patience is the order of the day.

To watch her learning, and to see her little tricks like hiding behind her blanket and peeking out with a beaming smile on her face just makes my day - it's a real joy to see.

New Mum is a real trooper too, having not been well herself recently, and having to cope on my late shifts alone. She has such a good way with the little one and is a fantastic mum - Moo couldn't ask for a better one!

Work is interesting having just changed to a new department, I now have a "remit" to deal with primarily, and it's like starting again. Good new challenge though and one that I am enjoying.

The G20 has been blogged about sufficiently elsewhere, but what I would say is that there appears to be a lot of people carrying out a trial by media, and proclaiming guilt before all the facts are established. If the Police did that with regard to upcoming trials that are sub judice, the proceedings would collapse and we'd be hung out to dry. Through all of this, cops still are putting their lives on the line daily to intervene where others don't/won't/can't, and will continue to do so, despite everything.

Anyway, I'm off to iron a shirt.

Monday 16 February 2009

TV, work and dirty shirts. Life with Moo.

There is a phenomonen in the world of infants known as Baby TV, or Sky 623.

This channel has the most amazing, uncanny ability to completely entrance any infant beyond the age of about 6 weeks. Moo adores it ad no matter what she is doing, if 623 goes on the rest of the world could effectively cease to exist.

Notably Eggbirds, but also Bim and Bam and Grandpa's Gallery never cease to thoroughly entertain to the degree that TV is now rationed to the odd 5 minutes here and there!

In other news, Moo is now crawling successfully, and getting onto her knees with the greatest of ease (no rhyme intended). I think she teleports whenever you look away, as she seems to cover amazing distances in nanoseconds. A watched pot may never boil, but an unwatched baby certainly does shift at an amazing rate.

She's still lighter than her peers. Where most of them seem to be weighing in between 21 and 24lb's, Moo is just tipping the scales at about 18lb, but boy, is she long, and stretching daily! She's spending time with a childminder too, which is doing wonders for her socially. At a 1st birthday party on Saturday, amidst 8 kids who she had never met before, with a dog wandering about and loads of adults, she was totally in her element - and I was a very proud dad watching from the sidelines.

The world of work marches on apace, with the latest development being a number of bosses who appear to wish to join the blogging masses, albeit on a secure intranet. This could be a great chance to show that they appreciate what goes on on the shop floor, but alas reading their muses is more akin to watching your mum and dad smooch to a slow song at a school disco. Horrendously uncomfortable and the wrong thing in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I don't want to know about the 2i/c going away for a fortnight in the Seychelles, or wherever it was, because when he was there I was scrapping, filling in forms, standing in the snow or slipping on an icy dual carriageway. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge him his holiday, it just holds no meaning for me.

There's more too, not all from the same person, but much of it appearing self indulgent and irrelevent.

I do think it would be nice though, instead of blogging (on company time?), some of the bosses would don some work clothes and get out in the firing line, show some solidarity with the troops and get some perspective. One of the tings I learned at an old job is "be prepared to hear the things you don't want to hear" if you have any ambition of successfully evolving a business. There's no point in having bosses who think every building in the firm smells of new paint.

Rant over, and back to Moo. She's asleep just now, having bitten my nose, tried to pull my teeth out and wiped her hands over (another) clean top. She's just wicked!!

Monday 19 January 2009

Moo - a brief history

Well it's been a while. Nearly 8 months in actual fact since I posted anything of note, after Amelie (let's give her her real name!) was born, and it's not through not wanting to have posted anything, it's just... well, as any new parent will tell you, your time is not your own any longer!

I guess a brief potted history is in order initially.

After a hell of a labour, Moo (as she is known) came along, and 2 days later, thanks to the miraculous recovering powers of Mum (no longer MTB) family was home.

From day 1 at home, it appeared that Moo was colicky, or at least that was what the health visitor said, and tey had us trying all manner of remedy, changing formula, colocynthis granules, Infacol, all with no success. In fact, at 3 weeks' old, Moo cried solid for 20 hours, pausing only for 10 minute naps once every 3 hours. It was tragic to see and all doctors would do was say "Oh well, she'll grow out of it in 6 months!"

Jeez, whilst not ever advocating it, you can see how some mothers snap and shake their babies. How Darling Wife and Mum managed is beyond me. I had work as a respite but she didn't, and eventually, through her persistence, she convinced the health visitors that Moo had more than colic.

At 6 weeks old, Moo was prescribed Nutramigen, a balanced, hypo-allergenic formula that is completely lactose free. Within 2 days, she was a different baby. She stopped crying, she would sleep better, for the first time she appeared happy. It was magi, tinged only with annoyance at the fact that DW&M and Moo had to suffer so badly for 6 weeks first. I know that Nutramigen retails for about £13 a tin, so there is a budget to consider, but at some stage surely the taxes I have paid should count for something.

Since then, Moo has thrived. In August she was Christened in my home town, which was a very proud day, and she goes from strength to strength. When she was born, she was holding her head up, looking around. This thread has followed, with her developing at a great rate. I know I am biased, but at her 8 week assessment the doctor was impressed that her step reflex was gone and she was bearing weight, and at her 6 month assessment, she passed the criteria for her 8 month assessment!

She currently has 5 teeth, plus a molar coming through, and she is bearing up well to the teething process. A spate of gastroenteritis in November lasted 4 weeks, and culminated in projectile vomit, the wildest, dirtiest nappies ever (poo in armpits - lovely), but since then, she seems to be doing grand.

She scoots about in her baby walker now, loves toast for breakfast and loves looking in the mirror. When you hold her hands, she runs across the room, and adores bath time with her frog and the ducks. She babbles lots, said hello the other day (though hasn't said it again), and has lots of vowel sounds.

When I put her scoops of Nutramigen into her bottle, she counts them in (She has a cool counting system - every number sounds like "ah" - easy to master yet spookily she never gets a number wrong).

And when I come home from work, she beams when I walk up the path.

So all in all it's not a bad start at all. It's weird looking at all her newborn clothes and trying to get your head around the fact that they were too big for her to start with.

I will try and regularly update this blog now I have got back into it and have a wee bit of time to invest in it.

Thursday 15 January 2009

Return of dad to be...

I'm back, after 7 months of the most amazing life changing experiences...

stay tuned for an update soon - in the meantime, Moo is fine, mum is fine, and I am off to bed