Thursday, 13 December 2007

Role reversal

It's a cliche, but it doesn't matter whether our baby is a boy or a girl, so long as it's healthy. Let's get this one out of the eay stright away - I am completely in agreement.

However, that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to know. Or at least, I did want to know, desperately. Mum To Be didn't want to know at all - she was completely ambivalent, even though she is unswerving in her belief we're having a girl.

But as time progresses, I find myself becoming less and less bothered about the baby's gender. I know that our local health authority won't tell us, as a matter of policy - something to do with being sued if they get it wrong and other cultures having elective abotions as soon as they find out it's not a boy - and I'm not worried. I'll have a peek at the next scan, and if anything obvious sticks out (or maybe just as to the point, doesn't), then hey ho, I'll know.

Mum To Be though now desperately does want to know. She would like to have more of an idea about the little creature she speaks to on a daily basis, and also has an unnerving panic and paranoia about the little one spending it's first six months in beige, beige and more beige.

So it's a bit of a role reversal now in terms of who wants to know. I don't think we're going private to find out, and weve been told by those-in-the-know that it'll be the best surprise ever, and I quite like the thought of that now.

Shouldn't have been surprised really. Every Christmas we've spent together, MTB has not been able to wait until the day itself before opening presents, whereas I've been happy to stay in suspense.

As they say, it'll all come out in the wash.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've spotted the three deliberate spelling mistakes, what do I win?