Tuesday, 20 November 2007

Who can hear you?

Chris Langham was released from prison recently, having completed a fraction of his sentence for downloading child-pornography.

He has been beamed into my living room today thanks to Sky News and an interview in which he claims he downloaded this abhorrent material in a caring and compassionate way, and wondered if he'd come across images of his own abuse he claims to have suffered as a child.

This narcisistic, self-indulgent excusing of something that every right minded person knows is beneath contempt, is itself contemptuous.

Being about to bring a new life into this world (via Mrs Dad-To-Be), this is something I feel even stronger about than before (and it was already a well-honed disgust), and I don't know now though, who is worse.

Langham, for doing it in the first place, or Sky, and the rest of the media, for giving his whining excuses a soapbox and microphone that the victims rarely receive. I was going to link to his interview when I started writing this post, but during the course of the last 15 minutes I have decided that by doing that I am simply amplifying his voice a little louder.

There are dangerous, manipulative, devious and downright evil people amongst us, people who view children not as our future, but as their own warped present. We must do everything we can to not validate their excuses, not to give them a stage bigger and better than the victims, and we must always do right by the children. They are the future.

1 comment:

Misssy M said...

I interviewed Langham about 7 years ago as part of a press junket for a film he was in. I had always liked his work on radio and television and was excited to meet him in person. I was utterly saddened when I heard he's done this.

He is an intelligent man so when he claims that he was downloading these items as some kind of personal therapy it make it even harder to bear. I would have a lot more respect for him now if he came out and admitted that what he did was sick and wrong, rather than trying to get us to believe his utter nonsense of so-called excuses.

Pete Townshend tried the same crap a few years back yet strangely wasn't as vilified as Langham or Gary Glitter. I wonder why.

(Found your blog via Scots blogs site...just so's you know...)