Thursday, 6 September 2007

Day 2

Been reading pregnancy magazines like they're going out of fashion, and spending spare minutes on t'internet researching.

It's funny - in my job, you see a wad of horrible things, and people doing the nastiest things to each other, but you become maybe a bit desensitized to it all. Christ, not now. The world all of a sudden appears to be a big, mean, nasty, dangerous place to bring a wee one into.

I'm also desperate to tell everyone and anyone about our good news, but we're holding off for now, as it's so early. We did tell my mum and dad, who were thrilled, especially as my dad had apparently resigned himself to never having grandkids.

I have also discovered a new motivation is getting our spare room all sorted out, a room which has really lain unchanged since we bought this place over 5 years ago.

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