Monday, 17 September 2007

6 weeks of symptoms

Weird food cravings, nausea, tiredness during the day, feeling flushed, peeing lots...

... and that's just me!

6 weeks today, bubs has a heartbeat and rudimentary hands - next week it'll have fingers.

I've got an assessment for work today - including fitness test, which I#m not looking forwards to - eek

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

The long and amazing road

Have been reading today all about the various stages of foetal development, on Baby Center, which is a wealth of information for parents and parents-to-be.

The rate at which a small tadpole turns into a fully functioning mini-dad or mini-mum is staggering.

At the moment we are at week 5, at which time the embryo (not a foetus until week 8 - 21 days to go!) has a heart about the size of a poppy seed, and it's starting to beat about 150 times a minute - isn't that amazing!!

I can tell that it's going to be an arduously long road ahead, even til 8 weeks, which is our first milestone! My fingers and toes are perma-crossed!

Thursday, 6 September 2007

Day 2

Been reading pregnancy magazines like they're going out of fashion, and spending spare minutes on t'internet researching.

It's funny - in my job, you see a wad of horrible things, and people doing the nastiest things to each other, but you become maybe a bit desensitized to it all. Christ, not now. The world all of a sudden appears to be a big, mean, nasty, dangerous place to bring a wee one into.

I'm also desperate to tell everyone and anyone about our good news, but we're holding off for now, as it's so early. We did tell my mum and dad, who were thrilled, especially as my dad had apparently resigned himself to never having grandkids.

I have also discovered a new motivation is getting our spare room all sorted out, a room which has really lain unchanged since we bought this place over 5 years ago.

Wednesday, 5 September 2007

The First Post


This is my first post in this blog. It's not my first crack at blogging, but it IS the most significant, and it's the only blog I have any interest in maintaining, so it's the only one I'll be adding to from now on.

Who am I?

Well, I'm a police officer, so there'll be stuff in this blog about that, from time to time.

I'm a hubby too, to a wonderful lady who has put up with more than her fair share of my tinkerings, and for that I'm eternally grateful.

And yesterday, I found out I'm going to be a dad in about 8 months and one week - roughly!

So, this morning, I have a blazing hangover, but frankly I don't care :)

We've already done a bit of research into foetus development, and my mini-me is currently the size of a weeny pea, with a heart the size of a poppy seed, so I believe!

It's totally mind blowing to think that we have done this! We decided last month to start trying for a family, but had resigned ourselves to the fact that it may well be a year or so before being successful, so to find out so soon is staggering, especailly since GMTV ran a feature this morning that said up to 35% of couples trying to conceive run into problems. It's early days for us, and we only found out so soon due to the First Response home pregancy kit, which can detect the pregancy hormone very early. So it's fingers crossed just now.

I'm going back to my daze just now, and to think about what we can do with our spare bedroom - cos it's going to be needed!