Monday, 25 May 2009

I think it's time for a little song...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Milly-Moo
Hapy Birthday to you!

Where did the last year go???

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

On the mend

Thankfully Moo seems to be on the mend now and shifting her bug.

I know this because today she's been like a mini gremlin, emptying the washing machine and tumbledryer, cupboards, drawers and shelves, whilst hiding biscuits in random places.

Happy days indeed!

Tuesday, 19 May 2009


The trouble with having kids - so I now understand - is that you never quite lose that gnawing worry tht something terrible could happen at any moment.

With Moo, most days she's a real trooper, toddling about, giggling, emptying cupboards, trying to work out how the stairgate opens and theowing food around wantonly. None of this is the easiest thing to manage at times, but it's joyful to watch.

Sometimes she'll be a bit off her food which is always slightly concerning, and very infrequently, she'll catch a bug and puke everywhere for days. The rational part of my brain can deal with these occurences usually, and accept them as being simply a normal part of growing up.

This is a huge leap forwards from the time she first sneezed (about 2 hours old), when I sh@t myself that she either had an allergy to air, or had caught some horrible rare strain of infant hayfever, or something... you know.

However, at work, there are some events that transpire that put me straight back into that "first sneeze" moment of terror and paranoia. The preceding link is one example, but other recent events have also placed me straight back there in a way that really hits home as a parent.

Moo, with impecable timing, is currently alternating between cutting molars, puking and sleeping. A visit to the Doctors beckons later today, and I am sure we'll be reassured, but it's never a comfortable time.

On a more upbeat note, I can't believe she'll be 1 on Monday - where did the last 12 months go?