Right, this is going to be short and to the point, as I am knackered (though not as knackered as Fantastic New Mum, now to be referred to as FNM). These next bullet points are what she went through...
- Admitted to hospital, 2pm, Friday.
- Given 2 pessaries to induce dilation. Slept from 1am to 3am on Saturday (early) morning. Unable to sleep beyond that, no contractions and ward for induction totally packed out.
- Saturday thereafter consisted of wandering about and waiting in vain for a space in Induction Ward. Getting stressed and 2cm dilated.
- Finally taken through to Induction ward at 1am, Sunday morning, given drip to induce contractions.
- Waters manually broken, merconium present.
- Contractions regular and painful, gas'n'air after 4 hours, morphine after 5 1/2
- 5cm dilated, contractions stop for about an hour - no reason seen, then they restart.
- Baby's heartbeat dips during contraction, slow to recover at times, but oxygen levels in Baby's blood ok.
- Still 5cm, contractions intense, quick and unrelenting. Remember when FNM last slept... drifting into unconsciousness between contractions.
- 10am, still 5cm, still hard contractions, FNM now exhausted and delerious. Baby's heartbeat still dropping on contractions and clinical staff concerned due to this and points as above.
- 10.30am, decision made to deliver by C Section as FNM is physically wrecked and showing no progress through contractions.
- 11am, through to theatre for FNM, I am led to locker room to put on scrubs and await an escort to theatre. This was the lonliest 30 minutes of my life. Ever. Myself and the boss upstairs had a one to one. I think he knew where I was coming from.
- 11.30am - through to theatre and FNM is anaesthetised and more compus mentis.
- 11.41am - a cry heralds the arrival of a purple, small, irate and angry looking cone-headed little sprite who is utterly perfect. With a good set of lungs.
- 11.50am. I get to hold the afore-described purple sprite who seems to like the sound of my voice. She tried to open her eyes in the theatre, but it's too bright so she screws them shut on every attempt. I look at the pinkening little sprite, as does FNM. We both still concur - she IS perfect.
FNM is stitched up and transfered to a recovery room along with now-pink Sprite. Sprite is confirmed to staff as being Millie. Millie still likes the sound of my voice. :)
We're a day on now, but I need my bed. So I'll do the rest later. In the meantime...